Saturday, 1 June 2013

New Release: By Grace Alone author Derek Prince 1.6.13

By Grace Alone
author: Derek Prince
publisher  Chosen Books June 1st 2013
info and excerpt HERE

Having had the privilege of  some editing of another manuscript at the author's ministry headquarters in the English countryside, I looked forward with anticipation to reading a new compilation of Mr Prince's previously unpublished work.  It doesn't disappoint. 

From his opening statement of purpose, readers are in for a bit of sod turning. "The ultimate purpose of this book is for you to discover what does and does not matter in your CHristian walk...a matter of critical importance...confusion on this issue is the root of most of our problems." What are the issues of religious law vs grace that need recognition in our own lives? In the Church? Have we relegated ourselves to lives of rules and regulations? Lives of striving? Analysis is followed with anti-dote. God's gift of grace.

Mr Prince leads us into a comprehensive and life-changing understanding of grace beginning with Romans 10.4, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." With this fresh perspective we begin to live the life of liberty and freedom that God's gift of grace provides. Mr Prince goes on to develop this in its entirety for full benefit and release from living a life of religious constraints and performance orientation.

What I love about Derek Prince's writing is his ability to distill his thorough knowledge of difficult topics into accessible language that ensures our understanding and ability to apply the principles learned. The application of those truths is up to us. 

By Grace Alone provides us with seeds of grace we can choose to plant in the soil of our heart. The impetus of the Holy Spirit will bring it to fruition. Let us keep the soil clear of religious weeds that will try to choke out the new growth. And let us pray for fresh rainfall to increase the growth of grace presented via this excellent new release from Derek Prince...

About the author:

  Derek Prince (1915-2003), founder of Derek Prince Ministries International, wrote more than fifty books. He was educated at Eton College and Cambridge University and studied Hebrew and Aramaic at Cambridge and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His daily radio broadcast, Derek Prince Legacy Radio, still reaches listeners around the world.    - Chosen Books


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